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Resparkle Home Cleaning
來自澳洲的RESPARKLE天然家居潔淨系列提倡理念是 [走塑減廢﹒守護地球] 並且為天然成份﹑孩寵友善配方;加倍呵護愛你的家人,提升家居清潔質素。
給最寵愛的 For Your Beloved
Kids 小朋友
Check this outFace Paint, Makeup, Nail Polish, Facial Care, Bath & Hair Care
彩繪, 化妝品, 指甲油, 美容護膚, 沐浴及頭髮護理
Pet & Home 寵物及家居
Check this outDog Wash, Home Cleaning, Room Mist, Reed Diffuser, Aroma Diffuser
狗狗沐浴, 家居清潔, 室內噴霧, 藤枝香薰, 香薰機
最受歡迎系列 Popular Collections
1. Dindi Bath & Shower
2. Dindi Aromatherapy
3. Klee Nail Polish
4. GEM Oral Care
5. MotherSPF Sunscreen
Hand and Body Wash 洗手潔膚(沐浴)液
Handmade Soap 手工皂
Bubble Bath 泡泡浴液
100% Pure Essential Oil 單方純精油
Essential Oils Blended 複方純精油
Reed Diffuser 無火香薰藤枝
Room Mist 室內香薰噴霧
Non Toxic﹒Odorless 無毒﹒無異味
Water-based﹒Peelable 水溶性﹒可撕除
No remover required 不需使用洗甲液
Fast Dry﹒Long Lasting 速乾﹒持久不脫色
Toothpaste 牙膏
Mouthwash 潄口液
Whitening Pen 潔齒筆
Breath Spray 口腔噴霧
Electric Toothbrush 電動牙刷
SPF 30 (Transparent 透明無色)
SPF 50 (Natural Tinted 天然膚色)
Broad Spectrum 全效防曬
Safe for babies & pregnant women 嬰兒及孕婦適用
Sensitive & Eczema Wearable 敏感及濕疹肌適用